
The Sun Came Out To Play

faux leather jacket - Primark (old) | t-shirt - Star Wars | jeans - HM | bag - Rebecca Minkoff | boots-Helene Rouge Paris via TK Maxx | layered swarovski crystal necklaces - Strike a Pose Jewelry

Through past months I have selected new pieces for my summer wardrobe and in my head I have played out these perfect looks which I would wear in perfect summer weather that I'm afraid by the time the beautiful, warm summer will come I will be fed-up and uninspired. This transitional time of the year is always the biggest challenge. Hey, but for two weeks I haven't worn my winter coats, so that's a good sign. Saturday came with +18C so that was unexpected treat, but Sunday we was back to +15C . I know I'm rushing things, but if there is two new summer dresses in wardrobe waiting since november it isn't easy to wait.

Peace, joy and ♥
 xoxo Ramona


  1. What a lovely look!
    That bag is just ohhh! I don`t know what has happened but at the moment I am in love with pink, hehe!
    Loved this post!


  2. Mums Latvijā laiks ir pavisam nepastāvīgs - svētdien man mugurā bija jau kediņas un t-krekliņš, bet tagad tuntulējos mētelī, šallē un zābakos :/ Nu nevaru, nevaru sagaidīt to pavasari!

    Man patīk kā melnais izskatās kopā ar maigajiem un sievišķīgajiem toņiem! Lielisks transitional outfits! :)


  3. loving that bag!!
    kisses from the sandpit ❤︎

  4. You look lovely! I really like your jacket :) xx

  5. You look amazing, love your outfit x
