
My Kind Of Girl

photos via Pinterest and Instagram

 I found Tash Sefton on instagram. I fell in love with her style, because we both have soft spot for jeans, stripes and lace. She definitely have my dream wardrobe.

 Tash, a buyer and head of womenswear for a leading youth retailer in Australia and a mother of two, first started paying attention to fashion at the age of 15 when her mother bought her a Gucci horsebit belt – and since then she hasn’t looked back. “My mother always taught me to invest in classic pieces and buy timeless things that will always look amazing. Elle and I will agree that our mums are definitely our style icons. ”Tash loves to wear block colours, stripes, basic tees and would describe herself as a jeans girl, but always feels good in just black, grey and white. “With two children I have to get ready in five minutes – time is of the essence and decision making has to be done quickly!”

Peace, joy and ♥ 
 xoxo Ramona


  1. Agree with your mom! ... I like that girl! I dont know her, but I like the looks!

    xx L.


  2. Ūūū nice, būs vēl viens lielisks Instagram konts, kuram sekots! Paldies par iedvesmu, Ramona :)
    Man bērnībā bija ļoti daudz jāvalkā brāļa vecās drēbes, līdz ar to, kā ģimenē parādījās vairāk naudiņas tā tikai pirku, pirku un pirku pavisam neaizdomājoties par to, ka investēt kvalitatīvās lietās ir daudz reiz prātīgāk! Tagad jau ar gadiem sāku saprast klasisku vērtību nozīmi - žēl ka iepriekš to tik labi neapzinājos, jo man skapis vēl joprojām ir pilns ar nevalkātām, bet "no modes izgājušām" lietām! :/


  3. so pretty pics; >>

    i invite to me too


  4. Girlie, I am so happy I made it to your blog (I missed you!).
    How amazing is this woman - wow! That is a really incredible statement - "with two children I have to get ready in five minutes" and yet she looks like that. Wow.
    What an inspiration, kinda puts me to shame. I need to step up my style game :)
    Hope you are doing great & had a fab time over the holidays!
    xox Nadia
